My favorite class this week was Tracie Stanfield’s Adv beg class on Friday. It wasn’t the warm-up which not only stretches you in every way possible, but pushes you to work harder every time you do it. It wasn’t because we did “jazz” across the floor with some front and back forced arch soutenu turns. It wasn’t getting to perform the beautiful combination to Weightlessness with its grounded movement that pushes you thru space challenging you to find a way to connect the strong movement while still keeping a soft and subtle quality in your energy. I found my inspiration this week in the last ten minutes of Friday’s class.
It was during these last ten minutes that Tracie pulled out three international students to perform the combination for the class. These 3 girls are regulars to Tracie’s class, but I’ve never really sat and watched them dance. Each offered some different choices within the combination. The girl in the center cut thru space with such ease, her lines were so strong that she created pictures with every movement. The girl on stage left felt the drama of the song. Her emotional intention was so strong it reached out thru her finger tips. The girl on stage right had lightness to her movement making softer more subtle choices that lead her movement to have a seamless quality. It was so great to be able to sit and watch their talent. I was inspired by the choices they made in the combination to make it their own.
I am always amazed at the international students that come to Broadway Dance Center. Just the thought of going to another country and taking a dance class is scary; forget about staying there for some time and really immersing yourself in the dance culture. These dancers come to class not completely understanding the language, the music, or the culture of NYC dance, but knowing their love of dance trumps their fear. The bravery they show by being in class inspires me to work harder and be braver in my own choices.
-Alana Sampietro, BDC Student and member of Synthesis Dance Project
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