I am not a big fan of the New Year’s Resolution. This is probably because usually by the third week of January mine like everyone else’s is out the window and I have already gone back to old habitats. Last year I joined a gym and vowed to go every day, well that worked for about a week. Then the second week I went 4 out of 7 days. Needless to say by Feb 1, my resolution was out the window. So this year I am going to try something new, a few resolutions that if I don’t stick to only hurt me and not my piggy bank.
This year I resolve to take more ballet class. It was taking ballet as a child that solidified my love for dance. I was able to perform in the Nutcracker which made me love the element of make believe not only in general, but also through ballet. It didn’t matter if I was a lowly mouse or a beautiful snowflake; I loved to be a part of this production. During ballet class I can finally pretend to be the sugar plum fairy that I always dreamed of being.
I resolve to let more people know how much I admire their dancing. Sometimes in class I will see someone do the combination in a way that completely inspires me. After class I would want to tell them what an amazing job they did but something would stop me from telling them. I think part of it’s from being shy or me worrying that it may be embarrassing for me or both of us. I don’t want people to think I’m some weirdo or think I’m just spreading sunshine around the room for the fun of it. When someone has come up to me to compliment me it had always been a highlight of my day and given me that extra little bit of confidence. Being on either end of this compliment can turn a bad day into a better one.
Finally I resolve to try and enjoy the journey and not just the destination. I want to enjoy all parts of class not just the last ten minutes when we are doing the combination. In rehearsal with Synthesis Dance Project I want to enjoy the creation of a new piece, not just performing it onstage. Just like there are beginnings and endings to every facet of dance, there are the same beginnings and endings to a new year. With the New Year upon us challenge yourself with a resolution that is realistic, attainable, and brings happiness to all around you.
Happy New Year to you all and Happy Dancing!
Alana Sampietro, BDC Student and member of Synthesis Dance Project